
First, the 2014 fall confirmation class led by Rev. Cindy Engle and assisted by Mike Mullen, initially started for one student and unexpectedly grew to 5 candidates who were confirmed during the celebration of the church’s 150th anniversary in October. Second, during the confirmation classes, the students voiced an interest in continuing as a youth group and have done so meeting weekly since Confirmation along with the 6th teen and the occasional invited friend. And third, The Bishop did something he had never done before when he entrusted the loose collection, normally designated to a Bishop discretionary fund, to the stewardship of the teens for God’s work in the local community. (A part of the weekly prayer time together in the following months has been for wisdom in discernment of the use of those funds during 2015.)
In 2016, three of our youth graduated from high school, and began attending college in the fall.
2017 Confirmation ClassIn 2017, we gained a new family that has 2 children, who both attend school at one or the local elementary schools; and confirmed our two of our junior high aged youth.
In May of 2022, our youngest youth received her first Holy Communion.1st Holy Communion
In 2023, we had 4 active youth at St. Paul's, with 1 attending a local elementary school, 1 attending the local junior high school, the oldest was a senior at the local high school and the youngest was in elementarty school at Conroe ISD.
As of today, we have 3 active youth. On the Day of Pentecost, 2 of our youth were confirmed by The Rt. Rev. (Bishop) Hector Monterroso.2024 Confirmation Class
A pattern of busy schedules and calendars make meeting weekly a challenge. Contact through text messages continues year round, as the digital contact helps us support one another in prayer.