Worship Ministries

Greeter - the first person worshippers meet on their way into the service, the greeter provides information, the bulletin and asks guests to sign the visitors' book.

Crucifer/Acolyte - lay person who assists in worship by performing such functions as carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, helping with the collection of the offering, usually while wearing an alb or other vestment (special items of clothing worn during worship). Acolytes may be adults or children, but traditionally St. Paul's uses youth for acolytes.

Lay Eucharistic Minister - lay person licensed by the bishop who assists the priest in administering the bread and wine during the eucharistic meal (communion).

Usher - lay persons who make sure the church is in order prior to the service, take attendance, gather and present the offering, help communicants to the communion rail when needed and straighten up the church after the service. It is a ministry of hospitality.

Oblationer - lay persons who present the bread and wine for consecration during the eucharist.

Lay Reader - lay person licensed by the bishop to read in church.

Lay Preacher - lay person licensed by the bishop to preach sermons they have written under the supervision of a priest.

Organ: St. Paul's uses a MIDI for it's music, as we do not have an organist. Any lay person can be trained to run the MIDI for services, as it is user friendly. It is very much like playing the digital music we listen to on our phones and other digital devices.

Camera: St. Paul's streams its services LIVE on it's Facebook page. We stream each Sunday morning worship service and each Thursday Evening Prayer Service, when it's offered during Advent & Lent.